In this episode, I continue to unpack and discuss the long term implications of WFP’s ultimatum in Yemen. This time, I have the joy of talking with Linnet Taylor and Aaron Martin of the Global Data Justice Project at the Tilburg Law School in the Netherlands.
In this episode I discuss with Sean McDonald the challenges and complexities of humanitarian agencies becoming more digital. We explicitly discuss the WFP ultimatum to the Houthi communities in Yemen.
In this episode I discuss some of the building blocks necessary for an ecosystem as well as some network choices available.
Digital Identity is a hot topic at the moment and has a potentially significant role in globally and within humanitarian contexts to enable individuals to have much greater control over and access to their data.
Post-its were born out of failure, so are many other things. In this episode I discuss some of my failures and what I’ve learned from them.
Everyday things go wrong and give us a different perspective on things. The past few days have not gone according to plan at all for me.
Data can be helpful in implementing better quality projects, however it can come with some dark unintended consequences like enabling digital surveillance, creating new or increasing vulnerabilities, and doing harm.
In this episode, I outline the Courageous Change framework helping us to think beyond the technology or the idea. We think about the problem, business processes, people, culture, and context. Having ideas or new technology is the easy part of change; getting your change adopted and integrated is the hard part. The framework helps you do this.
Shame is powerful and impacts all of us. When we use it to create change we may achieve short term change, but in the long term will end up robbing ourselves.
In this episode, I talk with Phil Koole, a professional clown working in hospitals and elder care homes in Toronto about how he connects with people and helps them to see things slightly differently for a while.
In this episode, I discuss how many social organisations are stuck in organisational models which made sense in history, but no longer are relevant; it’s time for courageous change.
In this episode I interview Chris Hoffman, the East Africa Regional Humanitarian Director for World Vision, who has been involved in many different types of innovation projects. We discuss the experience of creating and introducing a predictive early warning tool into the humanitarian sector, unpacking how this process was navigated and what we can learn from it.
How do you launch a podcast? There are many options and no best, so here we go. No need if this will work, but we’ll be sure to learn. We’ve got confessions, weddings, questions and it’s time to turn pro.