From the Blog on palantir

Our Health Data is now Security Surveillance Data

Our Health Data is now Security Surveillance Data

On a walk in the woods with my daughter, she climbs a tree and then asks me to catch her. With looks of delight in her eyes, she hurls herself at me believing I will catch her. (And I do.) When we visit our doctor we expect them to take notes about our visit and keep...

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Moving Beyond PII

Last week, I was in the offices of a credit card company. As I was shown around, we came across a massive screen with a map on it which was showing the density of credit card transactions happening in the world in real time. You could zoom in to Manhattan and compare...

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A time to be quiet

There is a time for everything, according to the Beatles and King Solomon. So today I will be quiet and let others speak. Please read this op-ed about the data crisis and wake up call we all need (not just humanitarians).

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