Sometimes innovations in technology or other parts of life can seem like its innovation for innovation’s sake with no real purpose, yet sometimes innovations that we label in this way are taken by others and fabulous things are created with them. So I’ll admit, I don’t see much point in the iPad or other tablets – I don’t see how they help my current life,- even though I knew when they first came out that they would spawn some massive changes in the world.
And well, I came across a small little social enterprise called MyChoicePad – strange name, I know, but check out what they are doing with the iPad. Basically they have created an app that assists with communication – taking sign language and making it audible; helping to children practice sign language to build their vocabulary; improving speech and pronunciation; helping to build children’s vocabulary, etc. The possibilities for how this could grow are endless and the impact on the lives of individuals, families, and on education is massive. This is so exciting and such an amazing use of the iPad technology.
And the stories, well, they are fabulous – check out the website or following them on twitter or Facebook.