From the Blog on Data protection

A time to be quiet

There is a time for everything, according to the Beatles and King Solomon. So today I will be quiet and let others speak. Please read this op-ed about the data crisis and wake up call we all need (not just humanitarians).

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This is going to end badly

Remember the scandal when people's private data was leaked? No, not that one, the other one. No the other one. No no no, the other one. Unfortunately this is more common and will continue to be. Take a moment to think how powerful you felt when you heard about the...

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Consent without words?

Sitting down in a local Starbucks, I connected to their 'free' wifi and the usual (and annoying) consent boxes popped up.  Instead of immediately clicking the "I accept" button as I normally do, I decided to click "Find out more".  I quickly regretted my decision as...

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