Beyond Big and Splashy

by | Dec 24, 2021 | Change, Learning

Learning beyond big and splashy

There are hundreds of things you could do. And there are likely some things you should do. But both of these are entirely different than asking what is needed and what you want to do. And frankly it’s always worth asking where the voice is coming from that says you ‘should’ do something.

Where need and want overlap without current ability, we find things to learn. Where all three overlap we have our current sweet spot. However, our sweet spot can evolve. In fact, if it doesn’t evolve we are likely not learning.

Today is Christmas Eve. In the midst of the activities of the day, consider asking yourself what you want to learn by next Christmas, but also before 2021 ends. And whatever you do, don’t fall into the trap of thinking only big, splashy things matter. Every big thing is lots of small bits put together.

Celebrate them all.

Photo by Tim Mossholder


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