It was clickbait. ‘What is acceptable level of admin or overhard for a charity?’ Perhaps this is more nuanced than we first imagined.
From the Blog on Development
Corruption, Choice, and Pizza?
Just like everyone around our table can choose which pizza to eat, so should people be able to choose which aid they receive.
Making Coffee for People who want Tea
I can be efficient at raising pigs and making coffee, but if you drink tea and don’t eat pork, my efficiency is meaningless to you.
The Financial Value of a Life
Ratios regarding cost per beneifciary, a supposed management tool, at times it can feel like we are putting a financial value on a life.
Widgets, Throughput, and Humanitarian Agencies
Factories care about throughput. Social media companies care about interactions. Humanitarian agencies are a blend of the two.
Policy Committments and Getting Over Humps
At ‘The Grand Bargain’, two of the committments agreed were for ‘more cash programming’ and ‘greater localisation’. What’s the impact?
Local prt.2
What if one of the key metrics of a response was whether or not the local civil society was stronger post response than pre-response?
Cultural colonialism
We all have values we live by. Sometimes we are aware of them, sometimes we are not. Some are personal, some our communal, and some are part of the broader culture or cultures we live in. A crude way to discover some of them is to look at what we spend our time and...
Beyond Financial Inclusion
Financial inclusion without financial literacy is irresponsible. Understanding how to live wisely in the financial world must be a fundamental aspect of inclusion.