From the Blog on Uncategorized

Mobile Phones for Blind people

A mobile phone for blind people is definitely an eye-catching headline, but not a regularly thought-of target market, especially for smart-phones. I've blogged earlier about Siri and the iphone talking about potential benefits for the blind with this development....

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Engaging with Data

The video is a bit old, but it still is contagious, if you doubt me, try watching it without smiling a little. It's hilarious to see Hans, an older Swedish man, getting so excited about numbers, well not so much numbers as what they tell us especially when they are...

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Copenhagen Wheel

I thought I'd share an "old" invention that you might not be aware about - the Copenhagen Wheel. In one sense, it's a bicycle with a fat red thing on its back wheel, however the fat red thing is quite the little device. Not only does it help you pedal (little extra...

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Where does your money go?

Publish What You Fund - a UK-based lobby group - is wanting governments to be more transparent with what they fund using their Aid budgets. Overseas Development Aid (ODA) is a tiny amount of the annual budgets of donor countries (for almost all donor countries it is...

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Rethinking Education

To some education will save the world. For most, education is the ticket out of a lower economic class status and into a higher one. For most, education requires significant costs that individuals and families end up paying for over many years. Education costs are...

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Top killer of children in Asia

What do you think it is? Malaria? Malnutrition? Traffic accidents? Conflict? Surprisingly, it is none of those, but rather drowning. Yes, you read that correctly - drowning! I find it rather shocking as I have never heard about it being such an issue before, but after...

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