From the Blog on Uncategorized

Water Canary

Most of us will have heard that canaries used to be used in coal mines as an early warning system to alert miners that the level of toxic fumes and carbon monoxide was dangerous. The toxins would kill the canaries, who would usually sing in the mine, thus alerting the...

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Using “waste” in better ways

What would happen if we were responsible for the reuse of the waste we create? What would we do differently? How would we live and go about creating our products differently? In a previous post, I wrote about the Cradle to Cradle movement, which is mostly around...

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Pay-as-you-go Solar Energy

A company based in Cambridge, called Eight19, has announced it is launching a pay-as-you-go solar power. According to their website, 1.6 billion people lack access to electricity. Their system is called IndiGo, which is a personal pay-as-you-go electricity system for...

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What’s your Future Quotient?

First it was IQ, then EQ, Eco-Q, DQ, and now FQ. If that sentence was greek to you, well IQ is to measure your intellectual ability, (it should be noted its only one form of intelligence with a massive bias to maths and sciences, for more see here), EQ is thanks to...

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Home Security…

Recently I found myself reading the Financial Times, which had a section on homes. No, I have not won the lottery, I just find houses of any size fascinating, especially the use of space and colours. Anyways, the article was about the new developments in home security...

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Cradle to Cradle

Growing up in a dutch community, I often heard the joke asking "how is copper wire made?" and the answer "by two Dutchmen finding over a penny!" In my travels, I've heard the same joke said about various communities who are perceived to be cheap/frugal and it is...

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