From the Blog on Uncategorized

Cross culture picture pointing

the world is a wonderful place if we want it to be. I sat at dinner tonight watching worlds collide in real-time, true unadulterated "lost in translation" moments. Picture this. Hanoi in the evening, crowds packing out the streets, motorcycles too numerous to count,...

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Walking the streets of Hanoi

There is something about Hanoi, beyond the crazy traffic, millions of motorcycles, constant hooting of horns. It's not that each time I come here I seem to be given the gift of the Hanoi hack and pollution, it's more than that. There is something raw about...

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Social Media and Business in Asia

I find myself back in Asia again fascinated by how social media is being used here, not only for social purposes but for business transactions and communication. I am here working on a project creating awareness about the AADMER treaty signed by the 10 ASEAN countries...

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For those that pray

today as an organisation, we are pausing to remember the 7 staff who died in Pakistan during an attack on the office - they opened fire on the staff and detonated a bomb which ended up killing 6 staff immediately and one more due to injuries a few days later. I ask...

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The Powerpoint Drug

so meetings can be super interesting or super frustrating or just plain ol' boring, yet they really don't have to be. Yet it seems that we are unable to conduct a meeting or a presentation without the joys of powerpoint. it's like we have shackled ourselves together...

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a small connected world

so i sat walking home from the java house, when my blackberry messenger went off. a colleague had just travelled from santo domingo to haiti and was stranded at the airport...he couldn't get through to people in haiti, but could get through to me...weird. so i got...

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Ever wish you could help?

days have gone by, almost a week now, since the earthquake that devastated Haiti and today another aftershock...ever sit around at home seeing the images on tv, hearing the stories on the radio, and see more of everything on the internet and wish you could jump on a...

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Haiti and the Army

i find it sad to see images of helicopters flying low over the ground with soldiers inside literally chucking food and supplies out the open bays while Haitians swarm around and fight for the items. i sit and shake my head; not at the Haitians but at the army....

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