Perhaps the challenge for us is how to use the ‘higher standard’ cash is measured against to raise the game of all humanitarian assistance.
From the Blog on cash
Policy Committments and Getting Over Humps
At ‘The Grand Bargain’, two of the committments agreed were for ‘more cash programming’ and ‘greater localisation’. What’s the impact?
Technologies can be a platform to help us and others ‘see’ the local network of people. We can buy locally more easily.
Cash is hot, but limited models
Cash is hot. Everyone’s talking about it. If you're in aid, but not doing cash, well frankly, what are you doing? You're so 1980's. I’m a huge fan of cash programming in response to disasters, but believe it needs to be unleashed. While cash programming is now...
Challenge the Norm
Recently, Seth Godin wrote a short little blog post about non-profits and innovation. He argues that due to the fact the organisations are not profit driven, in order to please shareholders they have a higher responsibility to be relentless in their focus on...