I put a lot of effort into making lunch yesterday – it turned out to be a complete flop. Effort doesn’t always give us the results we want.
From the Blog on long term
Looking Only at Ourselves Leads to Tragedies
Like any driver instructor will tell you, we need to pay attention to our surroundings – looking at ourselves will only lead to tragedies.
Thinking in Decades
Thinking in decades gives us a different perspective. Perhaps it helps us create more responsible technology and uses of technology in organisations.
The changes we make today, will be with us the years, decades to come
If we can’t act on the information we propose, but it increases people’s potential exposure to harm, is it wise? Emergency laws tend to stick around.
Seven Generations
“What’s your plan for what you want it to look like in 7 generations from now? How is what you do today, going to impact 7 generations from now?”
Organisational Gardeners
Speed can be great; it can be very helpful. However, it can push us into expecting instantaneous results. We need organisational gardeners.
Collective Impatience
The long arc of change is forgotten. We have developed a collective impatience; we have an inability to ‘believe’ our actions have long term implications.