Attention, acceptance, and power tend to be innate human needs. We want to be seen and a sense of agency. This applies to our person and to our work.
From the Blog on power
Bullying seeps into your life, eating it way into every nook and cranny reducing your ability to function as partner, parent, friend, employee.
Pomp and Power
Using ‘big’ words, being patronising, using technical language that ordinary people don’t understand is not communication. It is a lording over.
Two Simple Questions
Simple questions can lead to profound questions. Who does it leave out? Where does the power lie? Asking can cut through our justifications.
Maps and Reality
Maps are often a simplified version of reality. Organisational charts are simplified maps as power, influence, and behaviour is much messier than indicated.
Balance Bikes, Power, & Digital
Bike riding is about balance, Juggling is about throwing. Change is usually about culture and people, not the idea or the process. Digital is about power.
COVID-19 should not be an excuse for removing ‘Checks and Balances’
Doing away with the ‘checks and balances’ in. crises is often scary and unnecessary. The result could make the vulnerable even more vulnerable.
Data Governance Power Struggles are unhelpful
Humanitarians fight over data. We have fully bought into the scarcity view. Erroneously we believe if I ‘own’ and ‘control’ the data, I win and you lose
Colouring how we see
Sometimes we are wearing rose-tinted glasses; sometimes they are anger-tinted. Our views and interactions are coloured by what has gone before, how we are feeling, our past experience. Sometimes the glasses we see through are far beyond being tinted, they have become...