From the Blog on time

Not Enough Time

Not Enough Time

It is common to hear complaints about not having enough time. But if we didn’t waste time, how much time would we free up in a day?

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The Joy Giver

The Joy Giver

Change makers understand trade offs. Any form of change requires patience. Perhaps patience is the joy giver, not the joy killer.

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Time is relative. People overestimate what they can do in a year and underestimate what they can do in a decade.

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Time and Distance

Time and Distance

Time is a measure of distance travelled. Just like a car journey can vary in time, so can organisational change. How can you travel further faster?

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Time vs Tasks

Time vs Tasks

What would happen if we focused on managing our time not a to-do list? We all have the same number of minutes in a day, how are you going to manage yours?

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Time and Water

My kids love playing with water. They pouring it all over and watching it crept along the ground, filling all the nooks and crannies. They love watching it change shape depending on what container it is in. And of course how it overflows. Time is a bit like this,...

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