There are great people doing amazing things out there. Here are few things I’ve been reading, learning about, and found inspiration this week.
From the Blog on data trusts
Deduplication Model 2
Model 1 had a central data layer ‘owned’ by a single agency. Model 2 is still has a central data layer, but this time the data layer is held in ‘common’.
Is Decentralisation just offloading liability to the individual?
Reducing our risk and offloading liability is something most of us seek. So do organisations and companies; and they are using consent to do so.
Collective Control and Liability
Data Trusts view data as a collective good rather than an individual one. They also introduce collective liability or shared liability.
Is it time to stop fighting?
Data Trusts help us resolve the data governance challenge freeing us up to set standards and get on with the work our mission statements drive us to.
Data Trust Questions to Clarify
One of the questions people are asking is ‘how do you set one up?’ While this is by no means exhaustive, here are a few questions to start you thinking.
Trustee Power Dynamics
If we define the purpose of the Trust narrowly, clearly, and transparently, then the trustees role becomes a bit easier and reduces the power dynamics.