From the Blog on identity

Experience, Dogmatism, & Change

Hans Georg-Gadamer writes, The truth of experience always implies an orientation toward a new experience. That is why a person who is called experienced has become so not only through experiences but is also open to new experiences. The consummation of his experience,...

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Critics, Courage, & Magic

While driving home from the shops, I saw three people out running. First, the slim, trim, got all the gear man running at the pace I can only dream of sprinting at. Second, a large, overweight person with ill-fitting clothing slowly jogging on one side of the road,...

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Heroes, Villains, and Guides

I've been reading a lot about stories lately, the structure of stories and how every good story has a hero, a villain, and a guide. According to Donald Miller, you can decipher almost all films using the following structure: A character (hero), has a problem...

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It is nice to be invited

Whether it is the primary school playground, the high school party, or the business conference, it is nice to be invited. The invitation is always more than just an invitation, it is the acknowledgement that you exist, that you matter, and carries an aspect of 'you...

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Identity and Identifiers

Through my work in and around digital registration of people affected by disasters (LMMS) and my work with the Sovrin Foundation, conversations about identity - who am I - often arise. These conversations remind me of my time in university getting my theology &...

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Creative Destruction

"By using this method, we will no longer need those two systems as the new method makes them redundant." Everyone nodded in agreement saying the client would be pleased as it drives efficiency, reduces costs, etc. All of this was true, yet we were forgetting about the...

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