We can read and have discussions about the change we seek to create before we begin to change. And we should. But then, it’s your turn.
From the Blog on resistance
The Troops of the Resistance
Acknowledging the cacophony of emotions is a critical part of change, understanding they won’t go away, but should not stop the journey.
Endless Possibilities
Opportunities are endless, trying to do everything is rarely a good idea. Consciously choosing is a choice. It’s a result of being clear on what you want.
The Villain inside us
The resistance is rarely about facts and logic; it’s usually about fear and the stories we tell ourselves. We need to tell better stories.
Giving Up
There’s been a point in every single project I’ve worked on when I’ve felt like walking away because trying to change organisations is hard work. The culmination of moments after which I want to drop the mic saying "I'm out". My guess is, I’m not alone. Sitting...
Resist the Lull
You finally got out for that run. You finished the proposal. You convince someone to change. You achieved agreement. You submitted the screenplay, the book, the job application, the podcast. You pushed through the resistance and you did accomplished what you were...
Words of Fear and Anger
Change often elicits resistance within all of us - even those of us instigate the change. The resistance within us is usually different and connected to who we are; sometimes who we were years ago and the change touches on something deep within us. Whether we are...
Creative Destruction
"By using this method, we will no longer need those two systems as the new method makes them redundant." Everyone nodded in agreement saying the client would be pleased as it drives efficiency, reduces costs, etc. All of this was true, yet we were forgetting about the...
The Human Side of Change
Last night, I was going through some old papers in my flat and came across the article "Managing the Human Side of Change" by Rosabeth Moss Kanter written back in 1985. I was struck by its opening line, "This is a time of historically unprecedented change for most...