Attention is finite, being generous with our learning is a choice. How we engage with the world, with our colleagues, is a choice we make everyday.
From the Blog on seth godin
Original, Not Original
Very few of us have a truly original idea; it is not about making exact copies of the other; but how we mash together ideas and apply them in our context.
Norms and Rules
It’s difficult to be in situations where you are used to the norm being enforced, but then it’s changed to be the rule being enforced.
Giving Up
There’s been a point in every single project I’ve worked on when I’ve felt like walking away because trying to change organisations is hard work. The culmination of moments after which I want to drop the mic saying "I'm out". My guess is, I’m not alone. Sitting...
The Lie of Authenticity
In the world of fake news, information overload, social media, and the internet (where no one knows you're a dog), authenticity is growing in its street cred. While I'm a huge fan of authenticity, I've realised it can be over rated. Being aware of your emotions, your...
Stop Stealing Dreams
If you are a parent or involved in someway with education - primary, secondary, tertiary - or quite frankly, any form of learning, management, leadership development, capacity building, aka every single person then put your headphones in and listen to this and then...