From the Blog on communication

Sinking in

Sinking in

When we water, I’m always amazed at how little water soaks in beyond the top centimeter, most of it seems to bounce off.

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They see what is

They see what is

Often we forget that the ‘picture’ we have in our heads can only be seen by us. Others see what is, not what we want it to be.

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Not Ready

Not Ready

‘I read that book in university and told you to read it back then!’ Often a person is ‘not ready’ to hear the ideas you are presenting.

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The idea of grit boxes is that on the days it does freeze, the local community members will spread the grit on the road. But it doesn’t work.

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The Need to Care

The Need to Care

We need to want to create awareness and understanding. Not to comply with some regulation or legalality, but we actually need to care.

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