Too often when we create learning opportunities, expecting bravery. We expect participants to overcome their fear and engage.
From the Blog on Learning
I don’t know.
I don’t know. We don’t have to know everything. No one expects you to. No matter what your position in the team or organisation is.
Something Completely Different
It’s just the way things are and always have been. Sometimes completely different is just what the doctor ordered.
Flying Too Low
In the story of Icarus, his father’s warning was not only about flying too high, but also about flying too low.
History, Giants, and Wisdom
We are standing on the shoulders of giants’. This is true in any sector or industry you work in today. Who’s shoulders are you standing on?
4 Years of Noticing
Four years ago this week, I started writing this blog. Writing daily for 4 years was never the goal, the first goal was Christmas 2018.
Reference Points
Our reference points are based on what we know. So if there ever was a reason for broadening our knowledge, it is this.
Conventional Wisdom was Not Wise
Conventional wisdom in organisations still tends to be to collect as much data about your customers or audience as you can. More is better.
The Wisdom Owl
My son told me it was his wisdom owl that hung on the wall in his classroom. It said: ‘Mistakes are evidence that you are trying’